A picture of a ginger kitten lying on a fur blanket, chewing a Christmas present

How to keep your cat safe at Christmas

Allie Simpson

As you delve into preparing for Christmas, don’t forget to think about how the boss of the house will fit into the festive fun. With all of the food, noise, and presents that come with the big day, you’ll want to make sure that you’re not putting your feline at risk. Using advice from veterinary surgeon Dr Scott Miller, let’s look at some of the ways you can keep your cat safe at Christmas.


A picture of a tabby cat lying upside down, playing with a toy banana

What are some fun cat Christmas presents ideas?

Let’s start with the gifts, because, let’s face it, you’re going to spoil your cat just as much as the rest of the family on Christmas day.

There are plenty of fun and festive options to pick from both online and in pet stores, including treat balls, toy mice, and feather teasers. If finding a gift for your cat is making you climb the walls, check out some of our cat Christmas presents ideas.

When buying a new cat toy, always be aware of the possible dangers. Balls of string or yarn could be a potential choking hazard, as could smaller sized balls. Check the gifts you buy are a suitable size for your cat and look out for any string or other small parts that could be swallowed.

If you think your cat has swallowed something, you should go to your vets straight away. Your cat insurance is there to protect you from these unexpected mishaps.


A picture of a grey tabby cat hiding in a Christmas tree

How to find a cat-proof Christmas tree

There’s a chance your cat could see the Christmas tree as a new tower, enticed by its climbable branches, twinkling lights, and dangling baubles. They may even want to have a good bite and claw.

While there’s no real cat-proof Christmas tree (those upside down ceiling ones are very questionable), you could try and safe-proof your real or plastic one as much as possible. The last thing you want is for your cat to eat something they shouldn’t, or attempt to climb the tree and then hurt themselves if it topples over.

Look for cat-safe Christmas decorations like the ones you can tie to the branches (instead of using metal hooks) and place them higher up in the tree. Try to avoid the following:

  • Tinsel, as this can be harmful if swallowed.
  • Fragile decorations that can shatter, such as glass baubles.
  • Leaving your Christmas light wires exposed, as these could be chewed.


When buying the tree:

  • Check the base is stable and isn’t likely to fall over easily if your cat attempts an expedition to the top.
  • Weigh the base down, or perhaps consider getting a smaller tree.
  • Try putting the tree up and waiting to decorate for a few days. This may help your cat get used to the tree and be less interested once the lights and ornaments are added.


A picture of a ginger and white cat chewing on a Christmas tree branch

Are Christmas trees toxic to cats?

The oils in real fir Christmas trees may be toxic to cats, causing irritation to the mouth and stomach. There’s also the risk that they could be injured by the sharp pine needles which often shed from a real tree.

If you do commit to a real tree, be sure to cover up the water basin so your cat can’t drink from it. Consider putting up a tree guard or protective fencing to try and keep your feline from carrying out any ambitious climbing.


A picture of a Ginger Shorthair cat sat on a table, eating out of a silver bowl

Making a cat Christmas dinner

As powerful and commanding as your cat’s ‘feed me’ look might be, giving them some of your Christmas dinner could make them ill. We’re talking about the risk of toxic and rich ingredients that could cause pancreatitis, as well as the potential choking hazard of cooked bones. Instead, consider giving them lots of pets and plenty of playtime instead.

If you’d like to try making your feline their own cat-friendly Christmas dinner, here’s a few options:

  • Lean meats like turkey and chicken
  • A side of carrots and sprouts.
  • Christmas cat biscuits and catnip for dessert.

Watch out for high-fat foods like bacon and chestnuts. Onion is highly toxic to cats and should never be fed to them. Remember that traces of onion may be found in gravy and stuffing, so look for specially made cat gravy if that’s part of your cat’s Christmas menu.


Don’t forget to give your cat the gift of Petgevity lifetime cat insurance.

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